"Take pride in your pain. You are stronger than those who have none." Katrina- Chapter 3, p. 22


Gathering Blue is set in an dystopian future. Sometime in the distant past, a dreadful disaster has occurred, causing everything to be destroyed. This horrible tragedy is known as the “Ruin”. A civilization once socially and technologically advanced;now nothing but a medieval waste land. Remains of that civilization are under the procession of “the Council of Guardians”, whose task is to preserve memories of the past, so they may guide their people’s future.

Gathering Blue starts in the "Field of Leaving," as Kira awaits the "diggers" who will come to bury her mother's body.The setting is a medieval-like village, with vicious, thorn bitten, un-educated people. Who live in “cots”, wash in the river, hunt their own food and wear thick un-colourful drabs, formless garb and trousers. All people obey the “Council” and operate by their rules.

In this abusive community, people are killed recklessly and tossed aside. Women are of low regarde and are considered only as "care takers" and "task doers". Children are abused contlessley as well as beaten and tossed aside. Men are the leaders of society and hold all the power.

Kira's village is so cruel and horrible and they don't even realize it. The casual cruelty that they employ to dispose of the sick and the weak as well as the way they treat each other is sickening. Children however are treated the worst. For punishment, they recieve back handed slaps, punchs and stonings. Most of these poor children dont even have enough to eat; They run around like fly bitten savages that havent had a shower in a month or two. They Fight for whatver they can grab, children or Tykes as they are known are considered disposable and worthless.